Gerrards Cross Methodist Church


 Anyone interested in knitting
 is welcome to join our group
 of church members, friends,
 relations and neighbours, who
 knit 8-inch coloured squares
 for assembly into wool

Blankets at home
Fifty-six squares are formed
into a pattern, sewn into
blankets, and sent to needy
children and families. Each
blanket has an individual
pattern and can be used by
the recipient not only in child-
but through to

For some time, batches of blankets, as well as children’s woollen
sweaters and scarves, were packed  for shipment to Syria and
distribution by Samara’s Aid volunteers. 

More recently, blankets have been distributed via St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Chalfont St Peter, the original founder of the London run in which our church participated some 30 years ago.

Every Monday members of their church continue to go to the Temple area of London, and also to Slough, to hand out food and essentials to the homeless.Their organisation is known as The London and Slough Run.

The blankets knitted by our members have gone to the many homeless hostels, and the jumpers to the many children of families, they support locally.

They were delighted to receive the gifts and wished to thank everybody for their efforts.

Blankets in boxes

If you would like to join the knitters, we can provide knitting
instructions and
wool can be picked up at our Sunday coffee after
the church service. Alternatively, if
 you don't currently attend
our church, you can send us an email by clicking here