All Services at 11.00 | | unless otherwise stated |
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| 4 Dec
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A Film with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; Christmas Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 1 Dec
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 27 Nov
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; 'What's in a name?" with Claudia; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 26 Nov
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 24 Nov
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 20 Nov
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; BINGO with Stephen; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 17 Nov
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led
by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 13 Nov | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow' with Mike; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 12 Nov
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 10 Nov
| Remembrance Sunday service led
by Mrs. Pam Sitford
| 8 Nov | Monthly Outreach Service at Swarthmore Residential Care Home, 3.00 - 4.00 pm, followed by refreshments with the residents. All welcome.
Wed | 6 Nov | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Snakes & Ladders with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sun | 3 Nov | Morning Worship with Holy Communion at St. Andrew's United Reformed Church, Packhorse Road - NO SERVICE AT THIS CHURCH
Sat | 2 Nov | Christmas Craft Fair 10.00 - 12 noon Handmade crafts; bric-a-brac; Cake stall; Raffle. Tea and Coffee with home-made cakes. Supporting Testicular Cancer UK and Great Ormond Street Hospital |
| 30 Oct | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; 'My secret life' with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 27 Oct
| Church Anniversary led by the Revd. Hilary McClintock of St. Andrew's United Reformed Church, Gerrards Cross. Members of the URC will join with us for a united service.
Wed | 23 Oct | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; 'SPARKLE' with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 22 Oct
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 20 Oct
| Circuit Service at Little Chalfont Methodist Church NO SERVICE AT THIS CHURCH
| 16 Oct
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'Making the most of the moment' with Fiona Castle; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 13 Oct
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Rev. Adam Wells
| 11 Oct
| Monthly Outreach Service at Swarthmore Residential Care Home. All welcome.
| 9 Oct
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; BINGO with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 8 Oct
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 6 Oct
| Morning Worship led by Mr. Harry Smith
| 2 Oct
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'Two days in June' with Ann T; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 29 Sept | Circuit Eco-Service at Amersham High Street Methodist Church No service at Gerrards Cross Methodist Church
| 25 Sept
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'Favourite Musicals' with Adam; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 24 Sept
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 22 Sept
| Harvest Festival with speaker Robert Layman from SHOC (Slough Homeless our Concern)
Friday | 20 Sept | Monthly Outreach Service at Swarthmore Residential Care Home
Wed | 18 Sept | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Activity: Snakes and Ladders with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday | 15 Sept | Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 11 Sept
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'English Folk Songs' with Ann Wells; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 10 Sept
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
| 8 Sept
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 1 Sept | Morning Worship led by Mrs Pam Sitford
| 25 Aug
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 18 Aug | Morning Worship led by the Revd. James Patterson
| 11 Aug
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 4 Aug
| Morning Worship led by Mrs. Jaqi Sheppard |
| 28 July
| Circuit Service at Little Chalfont Methodist Church No service at Gerrards Cross Methodist Church
| 24 July
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Desert Island Discs; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 21 July
| United Morning Worship at St. Andrew's United Reformed Church, Gerrards Cross led by the Revd. Hilary McClintock No service at Gerrards Cross Methodist Church
| 17 July
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: SPARKLE with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday | 14 July | Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 10 July | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; RAF Stories with Richard; Gentle exercise; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 9 July
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short session of hymns, followed by optional craft, coffee and chat. All welcome at this last session before we break until September!
| 7 July
| Morning Worship led by Mr. Harry Smith
| 3 July 10.30am
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; BINGO with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday | 30 June 4.00 pm |
Livestream of the Ordination of the Revd. James Patterson at Little Chalfont Methodist Church No service at Gerrards Cross Methodist Church |
| 26 June 10.30am
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'My Passion' with Ann T.; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 25 June 10.30am
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 23 June
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 19 June | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A Film with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday | 16 June | Morning Worship led by Mrs. Kate Hoskin
| 12 June
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'My life with children' with Jeanne; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Tues | 11 June | T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 9 June | Circuit service at Chesham Methodist Church No service at Gerrards Cross
| 7 June 3.00 pm | Outreach service at Swarthmore Residential Care Home
Wed | 5 June | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: 'Merchant Navy memories of the 60s (Part II)' with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 2 June
| Morning Worship led by Mrs. Pam Sitford
| 1 June | Fundraising Fayre in aid of Movers & Shakers |
Wed | 29 May | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Snakes & Ladders with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 28 May
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 26 May | Morning Worship led by Mrs. Pam Sitford
| 22 May
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; AGM and 'African Safari' film; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 19 May 10.30am
| United Service at St. Andrew's URC, Gerrards Cross led by the Rev. Hilary McClintock No service at Gerrards Cross Methodist Church
| 15 May
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A Film with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
| 14 May
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 12 May | Morning Worship led by Mrs. Kate Hoskin
| 8 May
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; 'My Holiday' (Part II) with Gregory; Exercise video; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday | 5 May | Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
Wed 11.00 am
| 1 May | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A Beetle Drive with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sunday 11.00 am
| 28 Apr
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
Wed 10.30 am
| 24 Apr
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A Beetle Drive with Ken; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Tues 10.30 am
| 23 Apr
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday 11.00 am
| 21 Apr | Morning Worship led by the Revd. James Patterson
Wed 10.30 am
| 17 Apr
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; BINGO with Stephen; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Sun 11.00 am
| 14 Apr
| Morning Worship led by Mr. Harry Smith
Wed 10.30 am | 10 Apr | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; A film with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session (1st session free)
Tues 10.30 am
| 9 Apr
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sun 09.30 am
| 7 Apr
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
Tues | 12 Mar | T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 10 Mar 10.30am
| Morning Worship for Mothering Sunday We joined with the congregation of St. Andrews URC, Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross - no service at this church
| 6 Mar
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: "A Day in the Dungeons" with Ann Tennant; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 3 Mar 09.30
| Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
Wed | 28 Feb | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; "Merchant Navy memories" with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 27 Feb
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session (Theme: Jesus' Teachings) followed by (optional!) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 25 Feb | Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 21 Feb | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: "Cornwall, my home" with Claudia; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 18 Feb
| Morning Worship led by Dr. Josephine Prior
| 14 Feb | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Valentine's Day with Simone; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 13 Feb | T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session (Theme: Love) followed by craft, chat and coffee
| 11 Feb 10.30 am
| Morning Worship We join with the congregation of St. Andrews URC - no service at this church
Wed | 7 Feb
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: "La Belle France" with Carol; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
Sunday | 4 Feb 09.30 am
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells |
| 31 Jan
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: "My journey (Part II)" with Adam Wells; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 28 Jan | Morning Worship led by the Revd. John Swarbrick
| 24 Jan
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Film with John; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 23 Jan
| T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session (Theme: Light) followed by craft, chat and coffee
| 21 Jan | Morning Worship led by Mr. Harry Smith
| 17 Jan
| Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; BINGO with Stephen; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
| 14 Jan
| Morning Worship led by the Revd. Adam Wells
| 10 Jan | Movers and Shakers: Coffee/tea from 10.30; Talk: "Guisborough? What's that?" with James Patterson; Gentle exercise with Richard; 2-course Lunch. £5 per session
Tues | 9 Jan | T2M Coffee Drop-in: A short singing session (Theme - Epiphany & New Beginnings) followed by (optional) craft, chat and coffee
Sunday | 7 Jan | Annual Covenant Service with Holy Communion led by the Revd. Adam Wells
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